

Jan. 21, 1991

PATENT BUY KNOCKS AMGEN INTO LOSS COLUMNAmgen Inc. (NASDAQ:AMGN) of Thousand Oaks, Calif., said its$28 million third-quarter loss reflected a previouslyannounced, one-time $50 million expense for patent acquisitioncosts.

As for sales of its premier product, Epogen, "we experienced anunexpected surge in orders and shipments late in the quarterdue to a combination of year-end purchasing by customers andan increase in dosage protocols in response to changes inMedicare reimbursement," said Gordon Binder, Amgen'schairman and chief executive officer.

Third quarter ended Dec. 31

(Figures in thousands except per-share data.)

1990 1989 Percent change

Revenues 91,214 65,344 +40Net income (loss) (27,992) 7,975 n.a.Net income per share (loss) (0.71) 0.22 n.a.Outstanding shares 39,568 39,050 +1


Cetus Corp. (NASDAQ:CTUS) of Emeryville, Calif., said thatgrowing European sales of its Proleukin interleukin-2 drugcontributed to a 33 percent rise in second-quarter revenues. Aspecial charge of $10 million recorded in the quarterrepresents the costs associated with the purchase of the limitedpartners' interest in Cetus Healthcare Ltd. Partnership. Thelimited partnership was formed in 1986 to develop and marketin Europe certain products for treating cancer and seriousinfectious diseases by Cetus affiliate EuroCetus International.

Second quarter ended Dec. 31.

(Figures in thousands except per-share data.)

1990 1989 Percent change

Revenues $11,925 8,955 +33Net income (loss) (23,740) (15,949) -49Net income per share (loss) (.75) (.58) -29Outstanding shares 31,682 27,633 +15


NeoRx Corp. (NASDAQ:NERX) of Seattle posted a $3.9 millionoperating loss and paid out an additional $169,000 in dividendson preferred stock. The company said the loss in last year'squarter included a restructuring charge of $1.4 million.

First quarter ended Dec. 31

(Figures in thousands except per-share data.)

1990 1989 Percent change

Revenues 159 820 -81Net income (loss) (4,191) (5,567) +25Net income per share (loss) (.28) (.38) +26Outstanding shares 14,838 14,653 +1

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