READERS FAVOR AMGEN AS '91 STOCK PICKWould-be portfolio managers among BioWorld readers see arepeat performance in the offing for Amgen Inc. stock, theindustry's top stock in 1990.
Amgen was the top pick among biotechnology stocks selectedby 17 participants in the readers' division of the 1991BioWorld Stock Pick contest. A panel of five chosen stock-pickers earlier had their heaviest hunches riding on Bio-Technology General Corp., followed by Amgen.
Each participant deployed an imaginary $10,000 in up to sixbiotechnology stocks (at their Dec. 31 prices) or cash. The goalis to produce the highest returns on the portfolio by Dec. 31,1991.
A composite portfolio derived from the readers' choices putsAmgen at 12.1 percent of the portfolio, or $1,206, which wouldbuy slightly more than 19 shares. Contest participants noted itsstrong track record in bringing to market Epogen, the mostsuccessful biotech drug to date, and the company's hopes forNeupogen, which appears to be nearing approval. Cetus waspicked for, among other things, being a possible mergercandidate.
BioWorld plans to report on portfolio performance after theclose of each quarter. -- Dave Rosenberg
Company Amount/Shares PercentAmgen $1,206/19 12.1Cetus 1,118/154 11.2Immunex 1,088/30 10.9Cash $824 8.2Bio-Tech Gen. 647/370 6.5Chiron 529/12 5.3Genzyme 529/18 5.3Genetics Inst 353/9 3.5Applied Biosys. 324/28 3.2Epitope 294/30 2.9Hana 294/334 2.9Liposome Co. 265/81 2.6Collagen 235/10 2.4Cytogen 235/21 2.4Genentech 235/10 2.4Cal Bio 206/24 2.1Xoma 176/9 1.8Celgene 141/22 1.4Centocor 118/3 1.2Gensia Pharm. 118/13 1.2Immunomedics 118/36 1.2Synergen 118/7 1.2
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