
PATENTS, Part 2 of 2

Jan. 18, 1991

PATENT FLASH/U.S. Patents Issued Jan. 15

U.S. Class: 435--226Patent Number: 4,985,362Title: Process of Purifying t-PAInventors: Mitsuyoshi Morii, Masaharu Ohoka, ToshihikoSuzuki, Katsuyuki Suzuki, Nobuhiro Kawashima, Noriko Morii,Kunizou MoriAssignee: Mitsui Toatsu Chemicals Inc., TokyoFiling Date: Sept. 17, 1987; claims priority, app. Japan, Sept. 22,1986Claims: Two claims for the use of a carboxymethyl agaroseexchange resin to purify tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA). Asample containing active t-PA, t-PA degradation products, t-PAaggregates and other impurities is mixed with the resin. Themixture occurs under conditions that allow all forms of t-PA(active, degraded, aggregated) to bind to the resin. Degradedforms of t-PA are removed from the resin when exposed to alow salt solution. A solution containing a higher concentrationof salt is then used to remove active t-PA from the resin. t-PA,an enzyme that breaks up blood clots, is used to treat heartattack victims.

U.S. Class: 435--253.3Patent Number: 4,985,363Title: Microorganism Capable of Growing in 50 Percent or MoreOrganic SolventInventors: Akira Inoue, Kouki HorikoshiAssignee: Research Development Corp., TokyoFiling Date: March 3, 1988; claims priority, app. Japan, March 5,1987Claims: Four claims for Pseudomonas bacterial strains that cangrow in a media containing over 50 percent organic solvent.Claimed solvents include aliphatic hydrocarbons, alicyclichydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, ether andketones. Claimed microbes include strains of Pseudomonasputida and Pseudomonas sp. Modified Pseudomonas bacteriacarry out a number of biological syntheses including theconversion of organic solvents to products. If Pseudomonas cangrow in high organic solvent concentrations, they can carry outsyntheses without having to dilute the media. ThesePseudomonas strains may also be useful in fermentationswhere organic solvents are used to remove products from themedia. Bacteria that grow and synthesize products in thepresence of such solvents can continue to make products whilethe products are removed from an aqueous media and purified.

U.S. Class: 435--254Patent Number: 4,985,364Title: Preparation of Cyclopropanecarboxylic AcidsInventors: Heinz Hildebrand, Werner Zitzmann, Dieter Arlt,Heinz KolblAssignee: Bayer Aktiengesellschaft, Leverkusen, GermanyFiling Date: May 6, 1985; claims priority, app. Germany, May17, 1984Claims: 11 claims for an enzymatic method to prepare oneoptical isomer of cyclopropanecarboxylic acid. Chemicalsynthesis of some compounds sometimes results in twostructural forms of a product, called optical isomers. Theseisomers are difficult to purify because of their structuralsimilarity. However, frequently only one isomer has desirablecharacteristics. Enzymes such as esterases convert only oneform of an isomer precursor into a product. The remainingprecursor can be readily separated from the desired product.Cyclopropanecarboxylic acid esters have two isomers. Asdescribed in this patent, an esterase enzyme is added to amixture of both isomers of cyclopropanecarboxylic acid. Theenzyme converts the desired ester isomer into a carboxylicacid.

U.S. Class: 435--280Patent Number: 4,985,365Title: Process for Producing Optically Active Benzyl AlcoholCompoundInventors: Satoshi Mitsuda, Noritada Matsuo, Hideo HiroharaAssignee: Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd., Osaka, JapanFiling Date: June 3, 1988; cip of Oct. 1, 1984, Nov. 22, 1982, Dec.30, 1983 filings; claims priority, app. Japan, Nov. 28, 1981, June2, 1982, Jan. 10, 1983, May 9, 1983Claims: 22 claims for an enzymatic method to prepare oneoptically active isomer of an alpha-cyano-benzyl alcohol. Thealcohol is formed by adding an esterase enzyme to a mixture ofisomer precursors. The patent describes esterases isolated frombacterial strains that include Arthrobacter, Alcalingenes,Achromobacter, Pseudomonas and Chromobacterium. For anexplanation of optical isomers, see U.S.P. 4,985,364 above.

U.S. Class: 514--6Patent Number: 4,985,404Title: Prolonged Release of Biologically Active PolypeptidesInventor: James W. MitchellAssignee: Monsanto Co., St. LouisFiling Date: June 29, 1988; cip of Oct. 16, 1985 and Oct. 4, 1984filingsClaims: 14 claims for a sustained release formulation of porcinesomatotropin (growth hormone). The formulation containssomatotropin and metal ions in a particulate delivery system.The metal ions prolong the release of the hormone. Claimedmetal ions include ions of zinc, iron, calcium, bismuth, barium,magnesium, manganese, aluminum, copper, cobalt, nickel andcadmium. Porcine somatotropin stimulates pig growth andlactation. Meat produced by somatotropin-treated pigs is leanerthan that produced by untreated animals.

U.S. Class: 530--396Patent Number: 4,985,543Title: Lectins and Antiretroviral Drugs Containing the Lectins asActive IngredientInventors: Norifumi Sugita, Koichi Niimura, Yoshiharu Oguchi,Kunitaka Hirose, Kenichi Matsunaga, Minoru Oohara, ShigeakiMuto, Junji Kakuchi, Takao Furusho, Chikao Yoshikumi, MasaakiTakahashiAssignee: Kureha Kagaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha, TokyoFiling Date: June 17, 1988; claims priority, app. Japan, June 18,1987Claims: Five claims for the use of lectins to treat viralinfections. Lectins are plant proteins that bind to sugarmolecules found on glycoproteins and on cellular and viralsurfaces. The patent claims lectins isolated from 24 plantspecies. The patent also describes the physical characteristics ofthe claimed lectins.

U.S. Class: 530--399Patent Number: 4,985,544Title: Process for Renaturing Fish Growth HormoneInventors: Yoshiharu Yokoo, Seiji SugimotoAssignee: Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd., TokyoFiling Date: Aug. 2, 1988; claims priority, app. Japan, Aug. 4,1987Claims: 11 claims for a process to renature recombinant-derived fish growth hormone. Proteins produced in bacteriaoften accumulate in insoluble, inactive aggregates. Theaggregates are denatured and subsequently renatured to formactive proteins. The patent describes a process to denature fishgrowth hormone. The protein is renatured under conditionsthat allow disulfide bonds to form. Fish treated with growthhormone grow faster than untreated fish.

Related Patents

U.S. Class: 424--89Patent Number: 4,985,244Title: Stabilized Live Attenuated Vaccine and its ProductionInventors: Satoshi Makino, Keiko Sasaki, Masaharu NakagawaAssignee: The Kitasato Institute, TokyoFiling Date: June 8, 1988; claims priority, app. Japan, June 8,1987Claims: Three claims for stabilized vaccines consisting of liveattenuated measles, mumps or rubella viruses. The vaccinesmay be used individually or in combination. Claimed stabilizingagents include lactose, saccharose, D-sorbitol, sodium glutamateand hydrolyzed gelatin. Attenuated viruses are modified toavoid infection. Some attenuated virus vaccines are dangerousbecause a small percentage of the vaccine may contain liveinfectious virus. A number of biotechnology companies aredeveloping subunit vaccines which contain specific viralproteins or peptides to avoid infection.

U.S. Class: 514--287Patent Number: 4,985,436Title: Composition of Matter for Inhibiting Leukemias andSarcomasInventor: George R. PettitAssignee: Arizona Board of Regents, TempeFiling Date: Feb. 17, 1984Claims: 10 claims for the use of pancratistatin to block thegrowth of leukemia and sarcoma tumors. Pancratistatin is anorganic compound isolated from the bulbs of the plantPancratium littorale.

U.S. Class: 514--712Patent Number: 4,985,465Title: Method for Inhibiting Viral and Retroviral InfectionsInventor: Sheldon S. Hendler of La Jolla, Calif.Assignee: NoneFiling Date: July 14, 1989Claims: 19 claims for the use of antioxidants to treat viral andretroviral infections. The claimed antioxidants are organiccompounds that block viral cell growth. Anti-oxidants interferewith oxygen-controlled reactions. AIDS and leukemia virusesare examples of retroviruses.011891PATENTS2

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