SAN DIEGO -- Vical Inc. said Thursday that Wick Goodspeedresigned as president and that Dannie King was namedpresident and chief operating officer.
King told BioWorld that he joined Vical in November asexecutive vice president with the understanding that he wouldbe appointed president within 18 months. "I was brought inbecause I have a history of bringing drugs to market," he said.Before joining Vical, King was vice president of research anddevelopment at Oclassen Pharmaceuticals Inc. of San Rafael,Calif. While with Burroughs Wellcome Co. from 1973 to 1987,King directed anti-viral drug projects that led to approval ofzidovudine, acyclovir and trifluridine.
Goodspeed will continue as vice chairman of the board forabout six months to complete ongoing negotiations withpotential corporate partners. Goodspeed said he hopes to returnto a company that has products on the market.
King anticipates no change in Vical's focus on lipid-modifieddrug compounds and gene therapeutics. -- Karen Bernstein
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