The latest global regulatory news, changes and updates affecting medical devices and technologies, including: FCC says no need to revisit telehealth grants; NICE updates sphere usage for hepatocellular carcinoma; Health Canada: Docs, nurses not needed for workplace testing.
The latest global regulatory news, changes and updates affecting medical devices and technologies, including: Endologix, other stent graft products in line for FDA panel safety probe; New conditions imposed on vaccine authorization; MRNA vaccine efficacy holds in real world; STIs on the rise in U.S.
TORONTO – Front Line Medical Technologies Inc. reported Health Canada approval for a device deemed the smallest for use in emergency situations when patients require hemodynamic support to maintain blood flow to the brain and heart. According to biomedical engineer, co-founder and Front Line CEO Asha Parekh, the Cobra-OS is the world’s smallest REBOA (Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta) device.
The latest global regulatory news, changes and updates affecting medical devices and technologies, including: GAO reviews FEMA's pandemic supply chain management efforts; Testing lab owner sentenced to three years; Health Canada renews interim order for importation of devices; FDA: claims of registration certificates may be misleading; MDCG issues gap guidance pending Eudamed completion; FDA seeking nominations for advisory committee.
The latest global regulatory news, changes and updates affecting medical devices and technologies, including: CRS: Supply chain for testing still under pressure; AHRQ eyes provider-to-provider telehealth; Health Canada emphasizes nursing homes in report on testing; Advamed, Georgia Bio sound off on EtO.
TORONTO – Soundbite Medical Solutions Inc. has received Health Canada approval for a shock wave device that jackhammers its way through calcified, chronic total occlusions (CTO) in life-threatening critical limb ischemia (CLI), a severe form of peripheral artery disease. This comes after the Active Wire 0.014” was used for the first time in late January to successfully treat five patients.
The latest global regulatory news, changes and updates affecting medical devices and technologies, including: MITA announces new health care supplier standard; Laggardly patient record response costs provider $75k; New med-tech resource platform now includes logistics; Spectrascience the subject of speculation, SEC action; HC nudging along with regulatory modernization plan.
TORONTO – Startup CEOs may sometimes be forgiven a little exuberance on learning their technology has received the high sign from regulatory officials. So it was when the head of Monitio Intelligence Inc. Ben Su sifted through his email at his office in Coburg Ontario and saw the Health Canada logo at the top of the letter. “I was actually jumping up and down when I received that authorization letter. I was very excited,” Su said. Since then Su has been overseeing installation of an automated COVID-19 screening system.