Scientists at the Whitehead Institute have discovered that the ability of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii to cause chronic infections depends on changes orchestrated by a single transcription factor, Bradyzoite-formation deficient 1 (BFD1).
It is equally fair to say that lung cancer treatment has come a long way, and that it has a long way to go. Speaking at a joint conference by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer and the American Association for Cancer Research on lung cancer translational research, William Pao remembered the stark realities of being an oncology fellow at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center just 20 years ago, when the main lung cancer “procedure” done by trainees was to get a DNR, or do-not-resuscitate order, from their patients.
SAN DIEGO – Allele-specific KRAS inhibitors are “the most exciting change coming down the pike for treating KRAS-mutant tumors in the near future,” Ferdinandos Skoulidis said at the sixth joint conference by the American Association for Cancer Research and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer meeting.
A University of California, San Diego-led team from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative has reported that in long-term imaging studies, objective subtle cognitive deficits (obj-SCD) preceded amyloid deposition in longitudinal imaging studies.