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BioWorld always honors news embargoes. An early heads up gives us extra time to prepare and conduct research. We promise to keep your news confidential until the stated embargo lifts.
BioWorld is the largest and most impactful news service covering the biopharmaceutical and medical technology industries worldwide. Exclusive delivery of news via BioWorld – before it’s distributed to other news outlets – will garner significant attention within these industries. And if the news warrants, we will publish a news bulletin, which is a special banner positioning of the story on the website and an immediate delivery of the bulletin via email to subscribers.
BioWorld is posted on www.BioWorld.com each night by 9 p.m. EST and is delivered, via email simultaneously Monday through Friday.
Most staff are beat-agnostic, so send all news to:
Regulatory news
Discovery science and preclinical news
Trends and analysis
The BioWorld staff depends on industry relationships, and we aren’t going to jeopardize those by publishing something said off the record. Off-the-record conversations help us gather background information, and they help you to build the relationship and keep us educated about your organization. But remember that it’s vital to clarify the status of the discussion up front.