Regulatory snapshots, including global drug submissions and approvals, clinical trial approvals and other regulatory decisions and designations: Arch, Astrazeneca, Athenex, BMS, GSK, Inmune, Mirum, Nkmax, Novo, Plus, Vertex.
In a bid to build public confidence and demonstrate its transparency in determinations about potential COVID-19 vaccines, the FDA will convene its Vaccine Advisory Committee for a virtual meeting Oct. 22 to discuss the general development of the vaccines for the U.S. market.
The latest global regulatory news, changes and updates affecting medical devices and technologies, including: The International Contrast Ultrasound Society.
Med-tech happenings, including deals and partnerships, grants, preclinical data and other news in brief: Coghlin Companies, Cogmedix, Concord Medical, Dominion Aesthetics, Formsense, Genesis Medtech, Nowdiagnostics, Ontrak, Todos Medical.