Keeping you up to date on recent developments in diagnostics, including: Accelerating de novo human genome assembly; DL model increases detection of pulmonary embolism; Carbohydrate metabolism implicated in neuropathy; T-cell mutations contribute to GVHD.
CYBERSPACE – At the virtual annual meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, CAR T cells were the subject of both historical overviews and cutting-edge research alike.
By delivering the protein follistatin via gene therapy, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis were able to increase skeletal muscle mass, decrease fat, and reverse obesity-related arthritis in mice who developed osteoarthritis as a result of a high-fat diet.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in cardiology, including: Necklace used to detect abnormal heart rhythm; Link found between blood vessel inflammation, malfunctioning mitochondria; Liver-specific pre-eclampsia treatment is maternal-specific, as well.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in diagnostics, including: Circulating progesterone and breast cancer risk; Llamas aid in fight against COVID-19; Transcriptomic insights into Parkinson’s disease.
A multi-institutional group led by the University of California at San Francisco’s Quantitative Biosciences Institute (QBI) has identified more than 200 host proteins that interacted with SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins during infection, creating “a blueprint of how SARS-CoV-2 hijacks human cells.”
The climate crisis in the time of COVID-19 illustrates the difference between the important and the urgent. There is, of course, no alternative to focusing on the current pandemic. But at the same time, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has not changed the fact that the climate crisis is a coming wave whose health consequences will ultimately dwarf those of any single infectious agent.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in oncology, including: Infectious disease diagnoses often foreshadow cancer diagnoses; Polymerase k and drug resistance; Microcytosis link to cancer confirmed; Researchers describe new triple threat to cancer.