(For those who wonder whether Congress will ever pass a patent reform bill, we offer the following with a tip o' the hat to Edgar Allan Poe....)
Once upon a mid-day dreary, While I pondered dazed and bleary, O'er forgotten writs of Federal Circuit law and patent lore. Yes, I nodded, nearly napping, But then came a nagging tapping. Some optimist was gently rapping, Rapping at my office door. "'Tis some fool," I think I muttered, "Waxing over writs of yore, Only this, and nothing more."
Ah, distinctly I remember, It was back in some December, When each separate Senate member Left their tears upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the passage, Without which I needed cabbage To pay a bet that brought me sorrow Sorrow for the lost reform. Thus I asked a knowing maven "Is there hope you can restore?" Said he, "you're such a crashing bore."
Then it was in subcommittee Prior user rights looked pretty Pretty sure to fully slam, Slam so shut the open door. Still a hopeful wind so certain Rustled an infringing curtain Thrilled me, filled me with fantastic Patent hopes ne'er felt before; "The same direction" Smith did courage. Still I am awash in worriage. Quoth the maven; "What a snore."
Then the hope seems much less fleeting Marking up a bill, entreating, Urging passage of the bill That would balm the oozing sore. Judiciary did hold the prior User rights some so desire. The Invents Act seem on fire, Hot enough to hope restore. I asked the maven to reveal, Will hopes be dashed like times before? Said he: "Who knows? Now ask no more!"