NewHope Bariatrics (Charlotte, North Carolina) reported the opening of its first ambulatory surgery center focused on the treatment of obesity through adjustable gastric banding. The center is based in Los Angeles. The medical director of the NewHope Bariatrics Center is David Davtyan, MD, a bariatric surgeon who has been performing the Lap-Band system procedure since its FDA approval in 2001.
"The NewHope Bariatrics executive management and Dr. Davtyan share a mission to deliver innovative and effective surgical solutions to the increasing number of Americans who are suffering from obesity-related health conditions," said David Crane, president/CEO of NewHope Bariatrics.
TB scan kit seeks U.S. approval
Medical Services International (Edmonton, Alberta) said that it has begun an active marketing program for its VScan TB rapid test kit in Western countries. As part of this program, the company said it is looking for a partner in the U.S. to begin the process of applying for regulatory approval in the U.S. The company has done significant testing of its VScan rapid test kit for uberculosist(TB) and is confident that its test data will be acceptable. The VScan TB test kit is already approved in several Eastern Europe countries as well as Southeast Asia.