BioWorld International Correspondent

PARIS - More than 3,500 people attended the 8th European Biotechnology Crossroads conference and exhibition in Marseille. Although labeled European, the annual event is a strictly French affair, held in a different French region each year under the auspices of the Ministry of Research in Paris.

It is attended by representatives of the biotechnology research and business community from around the world, though, and it gives the local organizers an opportunity to publicize the biotechnology achievements in their region, promote biotechnology research, and outline incentives and benefits they offer.

Marseille took advantage of that to launch a new regional initiative called Bioméditerranée, which, in effect, is a super-cluster of biotechnology business parks and life sciences research programs along France's Southeastern seaboard, from Marseilles to Nice. It encompasses several existing biotechnology research and business parks, including the Marseille-Nice Genopole and two other incubators.

The region claims to be France's second-largest center of biotechnology research after greater Paris, with more than 40 laboratories employing about 1,500 people. It also boasts 72 biotechnology companies that employ 2,800 people, and has another 24 in incubation.

The Crossroads also was the occasion chosen by three of France's leading medical research establishments - the National Institute for Health and Medical Research, the National Scientific Research Center and the Institut Pasteur - to announce the creation of a joint subsidiary, I2T SA (Institute of Therapeutic Innovation), with a mission to bridge research and industry. It aims to exploit the intellectual property created by the three establishments, and it made clear that it would not grant exclusive licenses.

Among other initiatives presented was Eurotrans-Bio, a program developing small biotechnology firms in the European Union through cross-border collaboration. Officially launched at the beginning of October, it is run by state agencies in EU countries, which will hold an inaugural meeting Nov. 8-9. Eurotrans-Bio is due to start operating in June 2005.

The conference ended last week. The 9th Crossroads conference will take place in Lille in the fall of 2005.