CoCensys Inc. announced that it has filed two investigationalnew drug (IND) applications with the FDA for CCD 1042, thecompany's lead anti-convulsant compound.
CCD 1042 is one of a series of compounds that act on the Epalonneuroreceptor site. Epalons are small molecules that enhancethe activity of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), aneurotransmitter that inhibits neuronal activity to produce acalming effect on the central nervous system.
CoCensys of Irvine, Calif., intends to develop the compoundseparately for two indications, petit mal epilepsy and infantilespasm. The company (NASDAQ:COCN) initiated Phase I trials inthe United Kingdom in September to assess the safety,tolerance and pharmacokinetics of CCD 1042.
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