Med-tech happenings, including deals and partnerships, grants, preclinical data and other news in brief: Biolog, Biospyder, Capsa Healthcare, Connecticut Biotech, Formsense, Htg Molecular Diagnostics, Newrobo, Newsight Imaging, Protokinetix, Sheba Medical Center, Todos Medical, Virusight Diagnostics, Virushield, Xphyto Therapeutics.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exerted a massive effect on procedure volumes across the globe, but concerns over supply chains have prompted political officials in Washington to encourage domestic production of drugs. That approach is also in play in a number of nations in the Asia-Pacific region, said Sana Siddiqui of Decision Resources Group, who noted that Beijing wants hospitals in China to ensure that 70% of devices used there are domestically manufactured by 2025.
Regulatory snapshots, including global submissions and approvals, clinical trial approvals and other regulatory decisions and designations: 4D Molecular Therapeutics, Bayer, Hyperfine, Inmode, Osprey Medical, Quidel, RapidAI, Spectronrx.
Much of the research on the immune response in patients with COVID-19 has focused on the humoral antibody response. Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp., on the other hand, has focused on cellular immunity to measure the T-cell response to infection with SARS-CoV-2.
HONG KONG – Diagnostic kits are in the spotlight as Vietnam battles a resurgence of COVID-19 cases, after a wave of community infections started appearing in late July. A new outbreak has infected more than 220 people since July 25, most of whom came from the coastal city of Da Nang.
“There’s a difference in knowing something and realizing something. We’ve known for quite a while now that we’re too dependent on other countries for our medical supplies. But during this pandemic, I think we’ve realized it,” U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) said at a recent congressional hearing on the progress being made in developing COVID-19 vaccines.
Med-tech happenings, including deals and partnerships, grants, preclinical data and other news in brief: Alume, Caligor, Blackrock Microsystems, Canon Medical Systems USA, Caris Life Sciences, Companion Medical, Curepsp, Dreamtech, Elevation Oncology, E7 Health, Epitomee Medical, Hemogenyx Pharmaceuticals, Hologic, Irras, Lianbio, Medcall, Medtronic, Mcfarlane Medical, Microgendx, Nestlé Health Science, Onlume, Painteq, Pccw Global, Perimeter Medical Imaging AI, Promega, Quidel, Sensifree, Sure Universal, Syapse, Titan Medical, Trendlines Group, Vonco Products, Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering, Zebra Medical Vision.