Biopharma grants have sustained the upward trajectory noted in August, ending October up nearly 75% compared to the corresponding period last year. In contrast, nonprofit deal value has continued its year-over-year decline, marked by a more than 90% decrease in value.
Clinical data disappointments and third-quarte results cast a shadow on the BioWorld Neurological Diseases Index, closing November with an 18.37% year-to-date decline. This marks a slight improvement from its low point in October, down 23.79%, in contrast to the previous year’s upward trend, which it concluded with an 18.24% increase.
Biopharma grants have sustained the upward trajectory noted in August, ending October up nearly 75% compared to the corresponding period last year. In contrast, nonprofit deal value has continued its year-over-year decline, marked by a more than 90% decrease in value.
For biopharma, the 2023 post-pandemic reality check has been harsh, replete with sagging stock prices, bankruptcy filings and restructurings, as well as IPOs at their lowest levels in a decade. The good news, according to a handful of industry experts, is that it could be coming to an end, possibly as early as 2024.
Clinical trial updates for the period of January to October 2023 saw an increase of 4.6% compared to the same time period last year. Comparatively, clinical data from January to September 2023 was up 1.79% compared to the same period last year.