Keeping you up to date on recent developments in diagnostics, including: Brain imaging reveals signs of childhood trauma; Buyer beware for SARS-CoV-2 antibody detection; Tumor-associated cell cluster signal cancer alert.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in orthopedics, including: SCS reduces pain and motor symptoms in PD patients; Is rheumatoid arthritis two different diseases?; Lockdown impact: Worsening symptoms for people with bone, joint and muscle pain.
Researchers working at the Jackson Laboratory Cancer Center reported in the September 21, 2020, issue of Nature Immunology that breast cancer cells induced neutrophils to accumulate lipids, which were transported to metastatic tumor cells through a macropinocytosis pathway, thus fueling the metastatic potential of tumor cells with lipids.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in oncology, including: New nanoparticle could overcome aggregation-caused quenching for cancer treatment; Epigenetic resistance to PARP inhibitors; Statins help pancreatic tumors go from bad to worse; Sit up straight: PBT coming to a chair near you.
A U.S.-led international whole-exome sequencing study has discovered that mutations in genes encoding for the growth of the neurites necessary for neural connectivity increase the risk for cerebral palsy, the authors reported in the September 28, 2020, edition of NatureGenetics.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in cardiology, including: Using biomarkers to detect minor strokes; ACC, Novartis team up on heart failure; Scientists ID new abdominal aortic aneurysm genes.