Under certain circumstances, a normally innocuous key molecular intermediate of regular cell metabolism, farnesyl pyrophosphate, can trigger neuronal lysis and cell death, according to a study led by Chinese researchers at Tsinghua and Peking universities in Beijing.
A collaboration aimed at identifying and developing potential new antimalarial drug candidate drugs has been announced between Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia, and Janssen Pharmaceutica, with assistance from Johnson & Johnson Innovation.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in oncology, including: New test lends insight into aggressiveness of prostate cancer, could reduce biopsy; Loss of cell polarity is lung cancer precursor; A different path to specificity for Ras inhibitors; Thin films for detection, calibration of proton beams.
A study led by Chinese radiologists at Peking University in Beijing has shown that positron emission tomography imaging of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression is a predictor for the abscopal effect, whereby nonirradiated cancers respond to radiotherapy.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in cardiology, including: Fibroblast growth factor a marker for left ventricular hypertrophy in dialysis patients; Consortium updates endpoints for aortic valve studies; ‘Reclip,’ surgery square off for patients with failed mitral valve repair.
A collaboration aimed at identifying and developing potential new antimalarial drug candidate drugs has been announced between Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia, and Janssen Pharmaceutica, with assistance from Johnson & Johnson Innovation. The collaboration has already discovered promising compounds with antimalarial activity from among 80,000 drug-like molecules in the Janssen Jumpstarter Compound Library, a collection of drug-like compounds designed to fast-track discovery of new medicines.
Twenty years after the first, exclusively white human genomes were fully sequenced, science finds itself in the same position as the rest of society: with the uncomfortable realization that old inequalities are often morphing, rather than disappearing.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in neurology, including: Fast brainwave oscillations identify, localize epileptic brain; Sleep biomarkers linked to neurodegenerative disease; Autophagy chaperone targets aggregation-prone proteins.
A study led by Chinese radiologists at Peking University in Beijing has shown that positron emission tomography imaging of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression is a predictor for the abscopal effect, whereby nonirradiated cancers respond to radiotherapy.