Keeping you up to date on recent developments in orthopedics, including: First glimpse of body's 'steering wheel' joint sparks hope; Using CRISPR to find muscular dystrophy treatments; Fracture liaison service improves care for patients with fragility fractures.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in orthopedics, including: Vitamin D boosts chances of walking after hip fracture; Rsip Vision reports breakthrough AI tech for 3D reconstruction of knees; Study shows disparities in outpatient care for common orthopedic problems.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in orthopedics, including: Artificial intelligence can scan doctors' notes to distinguish between types of back pain; Researchers discover new stem cells that can generate new bone; Study shows improved outcomes for patients with Arthrosurface Ovo arthroplasty system.
BOGOTA, Colombia – Ziptek Mexico, from Hermosillo, Mexico, is working to revolutionize the sutures market with an innovative product that is already making its way to the U.S. surgical orthopedic device market. Plans to expand across Latin America are progressing.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in orthopedics, including: Researchers identify protein critical for wound healing after spinal cord injury; Journal publishes results of Gid Bio trial for treating osteoarthritis knee pain; Study maps landmarks of peripheral artery disease to guide treatment development.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in orthopedics, including: Bone or cartilage? Presence of fatty acids determines skeletal stem cell development; A promising new strategy to help broken bones heal faster; Drug cocktail holds promise for spinal injuries.
The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced it may tack on another three years to the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) program, proposing among other things to drop the 50% cap on gainsharing payments. Analysts with Cowen Washington Research Group, of New York, said post-acute care providers are at greater risk than device makers with the extension, however, due to the fact that hospitals have several choices in terms of discharge destination, including the patient’s home.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in orthopedics, including: In2bones reports U.S. Launch of the Avenger radial head prosthesis; Searching for biomarkers and therapeutic agents against breast cancer; MRI findings predict shoulder stiffness for rotator cuff tears.
PERTH, Australia – Brisbane, Australia-based Field Orthopaedics was formed when a group of orthopedic surgeons were exasperated by ongoing shortcomings in surgical practice and decided to do something about it.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in orthopedics, including: Using bone’s natural electricity to promote regeneration; Puregraft reports successful phase IIa trial results for KO; Bioventus updates U.S. label for Exogen ultrasound bone healing system; Injectable drug for faster healing of bone fractures prepares for clinical trials (Novosteo).