First, just to let you know dear reader, this is a Casey Anthony-free blog posting. Those who are skeptical of the device industry in this world are legion, but there are a lot of reasons to cast the occasional baleful glance at government as well. What's interesting is how many in the media automatically assume that any clash between FDA and industry is necessarily the fault of industry. Case in point: I was at the American Diabetes Association annual scientific sessions about two weeks ago and had a conversation with another member of the press. She said more or less...
FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health published the results of its analysis of decisions on 510(k) applications between 2006 and 2010 (see the pdf of the report here), including some data from as far back as 2001, and several features jump out to the casual observer. The problem for CDRH managers is that the report suggest a number of stories – several of which the agency fails to tell – that will do nothing to dial down industry's pushback against FDA's more aggressive enforcement/compliance regime. The report is also certain to do nothing to drain the increased pressure on...
ReGen Biologics (Hackensack, New Jersey) has filed suit against FDA over the agency's rescission of the firm's Menaflex application, a slugfest that is certain to draw intense interest everywhere, from Capitol Hill to the boondocks of the medical device industry. This might be a lawsuit that wends its way quietly into history, but it could also rupture whatever cohesiveness there might be at the agency's Center for Devices and Radiological Health. At the very least, it will serve as a huge distraction for CDRH officials and impose yet more drag on operations...
Is the sky falling? Device makers keep saying so By MARK McCARTY Medical Device Daily Washington Editor FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health is certainly on a regulatory tear of late, and industry is understandably rattled by some of the developments. After all, CDRH only recently managed to shed a couple of obvious malcontents in the persons of Robert Smith, MD, and Julian Nichols, MD, who both worked at the Office of Device Evaluation at CDRH and were not exactly happy to get their walking papers. My impression is that you have to be either really obnoxious, noticeably incompetent,...
In January when the FDA unveiled its 25-point plan to change the 510(k) clearance program, currently the quickest and most commonly used pathway to getting a medical device to market in the U.S., it appeared that a smooth landing might be in the works for the med-tech industry. That landing, however, was deferred, saddling the program with one of the greatest annoyances to any airline passenger, the dreaded holding pattern, when it was revealed that 30 other more controversial recommendations from the FDA working groups were being delayed. Among the most contentious recommendations being postponed was one for CDRH...