Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. reported that ARCT-154, its self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, showed efficacy of 55% against infection and 95% efficacy against severe disease, meeting the primary and key secondary endpoints of the ongoing phase I/II/III trial. While the company’s stock (NASDAQ:ARCT) regained much of its initial 25% drop to close the day, investors continue to await further data to determine where Arcturus’ vaccine will fit in with available COVID-19 vaccines.
Regulatory snapshots, including global drug submissions and approvals, clinical trial approvals and other regulatory decisions and designations: Ardelyx, Astrazeneca, Autolus, Langsheng, Merck & Co., Obseva, Priothera, Quoin, Roche, Sol-Gel, Sorrento, Valneva.
There may be no COVID-19 vaccines authorized yet in the U.S. for the youngest children, but there’s now an approved treatment for some children who are already sick with an infection.
Shares in Valneva SE fell sharply after the company said European regulators came back with further queries, including on antibody efficacy data, instead of a recommendation during a rolling review of its delayed COVID-19 vaccine. The company had expected a positive opinion on the vaccine, known as VLA-2001, following the April meeting of the European Medicines Agency’s CHMP committee.
Regulatory snapshots, including global drug submissions and approvals, clinical trial approvals and other regulatory decisions and designations: Bayer, Biogen, Direct, Incyte, Lynk, Medac, Medexus, Novartis, Revance.
Biopharma happenings, including deals and partnerships, grants, preclinical data and other news in brief: Acelrx, Assembly, Arrowhead, Astellas, Biotest, Grifols, Medigene, Nektar, Portage, Porton, Sinorda, Stimunity, Tiancheng, Turnstone, Visirna, Wave and Xbiome.
By January 2022, 12 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses had been manufactured and, to date, roughly 20 vaccines have received either full approval or emergency use authorization in countries around the world. In places such as Europe and the U.S., most of the people who want vaccinations have gotten their jabs. And the vaccines continue to show efficacy, with the latest CDC data showing consistently less risk for testing positive for COVID-19 or dying from the infection for those who are vaccinated and boostered. Yet the development of new COVID-19 vaccines remains surprisingly robust, with BioWorld tracking 258, the majority of which are in preclinical development.
Regulatory snapshots, including global drug submissions and approvals, clinical trial approvals and other regulatory decisions and designations: Ampio, Dragon Boat, Hansa, Moleculin, Nrx, Otsuka, Tvardi, Vertex, Zambon.