Millions of people with heart failure could ultimately benefit from life-saving cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) if a new trial just underway proves that it helps. (Medical Device Daily)
Early stage lung cancer often is caught by accident via an imaging test for another problem. Screening for lung cancer, typically via chest X-rays or sputum tests, has been unreliable and isn't recommended even for high-risk patients. (Diagnostics & Imaging Week)
Early stage lung cancer often is caught by accident via an imaging test for another problem. Screening for lung cancer, typically via chest X-rays or sputum tests, has been unreliable and isn't recommended even for high-risk patients. (Medical Device Daily)
Most of the substances found in blood can also be detected and analyzed from saliva. But biomarkers in saliva are at much lower concentrations, challenging researchers to develop more sensitive biosensors for a variety of diagnostics. (Medical Device Daily)
Electronic noses are familiar tools across a wide variety of industries with applications ranging from security to environmental oversight. But like their canine counterparts, special training is involved both for the handler and sensor, they can sometimes be awkward to use. And though often large in size, they may be sable to detect only one thing. (Medical Device Daily)