Researchers have found that in the case of a mild concussion, damage to the lining of the brain was quickly repaired by the peripheral immune system, and once repaired, was no worse for wear in the face of a second injury.
In findings that could improve both risk prediction and treatment of anaphylactic shock, researchers at the Institute Pasteur have discovered that IgG antibodies could activate platelets, exacerbating the severity of anaphylactic episodes.
Researchers have identified infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), best known for causing mononucleosis, as a risk factor for seven autoimmune diseases.
Mitochondria are the only cellular organelle with their own genome, but that genome encodes only a minority of the proteins that mitochondria need to function, with the remainder being produced in the cell and imported into the mitochondrion. That process can go awry in at least three places: the mitochondrial genome, the cellular genome, and the protein import machinery. Now, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have identified a surveillance system that prevented glitches in protein import into mitochondria from damaging mitochondria.
In findings that could improve both risk prediction and treatment of anaphylactic shock, researchers at the Institute Pasteur have discovered that IgG antibodies could activate platelets, exacerbating the severity of anaphylactic episodes.
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a comprehensive program that used sequencing to understand the genomic landscapes of 33 different tumor types, published its results last week in almost 30 papers in a half dozen different Cell Press journals.
After conducting a meta-analysis of the supporting preclinical application materials submitted to institutional review boards (IRBs) for more than 100 clinical trials, researchers at the German Hannover Medical School found that those application materials were deficient in the vast majority of applications, to the point that "poor [preclinical efficacy studies] design and reporting thwart risk/benefit evaluation during ethical review of phase I/II studies."
The Cancer Genome Atlas, a comprehensive program that used sequencing to understand the genomic landscapes of 33 different tumor types, published its results in almost 30 papers in half a dozen different Cell Press journals.
Healthy brains continue to generate new neurons into old age, though they show reduced neural plasticity and angiogenesis, researchers from Columbia University reported in the April 5, 2018, issue of Cell Stem Cell.
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a comprehensive program that used sequencing to understand the genomic landscapes of 33 different tumor types, published its results Thursday in almost 30 papers in a half dozen different Cell Press journals.