Treating mice with butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid that is normally produced by beneficial gut microbes, prevented anaphylactic shock in allergic mice when they were exposed to peanuts after treatment. It also reduced inflammation in animals with colitis.
Exploiting deficiencies in tumor cells’ inability to repair damage to their DNA has been one of the most successful endeavors of oncology research in recent memory. There are four approved PARP inhibitors to treat certain types of breast, ovarian, pancreatic and prostate cancers. Multiple other synthetic lethal combinations that might push repair-deficient tumors into cell death are being investigated. In the July 29, 2022, issue of Science, researchers at Yale University have described another approach to turning DNA repair defect against itself. Startup Modifi Biosciences Inc. is now on course to translate that work.
Tumor heterogeneity is recognized as an important way in which tumors are able to grow, invade surrounding tissue, metastasize and develop resistance to therapies. But linking specific states to the overall biology of tumors has been a challenge.
Investigators at the Riken Institute have demonstrated that while tyrosine is a nonessential amino acid, meaning that it can be synthesized by the body and does not need to be taken up in the diet, it has an essential function as far as nutrient sensing is concerned.
In a sense, memories are useless without being linked to feelings. Without knowing whether a memory is good or bad, there is no way to seek out good experiences, and avoid bad ones. Now, investigators at the Salk Institute have identified neurotensin as a critical molecule for the assignment of such emotional valence.
To most people, trying to prevent aging seems like a dream – maybe a pipe dream, in fact. But a dream for sure. To aging researchers, it seems like common sense. And if animal studies are any indication, maybe not that hard, either. Part two of BioWorld’s multipart series on extending the human lifespan looks at the potential of anti-aging medicine.
Aging is surprisingly dichotomous. Genetic studies suggest that in fruit flies and mice, the gene sets that affect male and female longevity are mostly distinct. And a lopsided amount of what’s known about aging comes from the study of – wait for it – males. Read part three of BioWorld’s multipart series on extending the human lifespan.
The U.S. NIH’s National Institute on Aging’s Intervention Testing Program has been searching for ways to extend lifespan for more than two decades by now. And in its animal studies, it has been successful multiple times. There are half a dozen drugs, and a few lifestyle interventions, that reliably extend lifespan in one or both sexes by up to 30%. Read more in part four and five of BioWorld’s multipart series on extending the human lifespan.
Remarkably, the U.S. NIH’s National Institute on Aging’s Intervention Testing Program (ITP) has achieved its success rate while keeping to the highest standards of scientific rigor. Any researcher can suggest drugs that the ITP might test. The program can only test a fraction of the suggestions in gets, though, so proposals go through a rigorous vetting process.
A lot of what goes on during aging remains too poorly understood for straightforward translation. There are hallmarks of aging, and researchers are getting a handle on its biological mechanisms. But in a basic sense, “we still don’t have much of an idea what causes aging,” said Björn van Eyss of the Leibniz Institute for Aging Research. Part six of BioWorld’s multipart series on extending the human lifespan explores the moonshot attracting the most attention: in vivo partial reprogramming.