Keeping you up to date on recent developments in diagnostics, including: Quantum nanodiamonds could improve disease detection; Field-friendly approach could aid in malaria control; Equine encephalitis’ entry elucidated.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in oncology, including: New assay may aid in the use of proteases as diagnostic for a range of cancers; New vulnerability in ‘KL’ KRAS subtype; Ferropoptosis gains new credibility as cancer treatment.
BioWorld looks at translational medicine, including: Overfeeding slows down liver’s response to glucose changes; Oncolytic virus combines best of both immune worlds.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in oncology, including: Nanoparticles may blunt TRIM37’s impact on metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer; Glycolysis inhibition via collateral lethality; Making exceptional responders unexceptional; Protons may spare cancer patients a hit to the heart.
By screening the microbiomes of marine organisms, scientists at the University of Wisconsin have identified nearly 150 potential new antifungal compounds, they reported in the November 20, 2020, issue of Science.
Keeping you up to date on recent developments in oncology, including: Prolonged androgen-deprivation therapy confirmed as hit on CV health; Nanoparticle fights pancreatic cancer’s chemo resistance; Linking two liver cancer culprits; Reversal of pumping direction is reversal of fortune for tumor cells; Active surveillance backed for Black men with prostate cancer.