The Holy Grail for those treating cancer patients is to be able to successfully eliminate tumors with radiotherapy without impacting vital organs that surround the growths. The problem has always been that the affected areas often move or shift due to a variety of different reasons. While the movement might be less than a millimeter, that shift can throw off therapy and cause some unwanted side affects. (Medical Device Daily)
When Jeff Poland and Nancy Salyer first purchased the Century Heart-Lung Machine back in 2004, the two thought that some Internet marketing, an internal sales team, and a strong product was all they needed to be successful on the market with the device. (Medical Device Daily)
The U.S. isn't the only nation that's in the process of undergoing some sort of healthcare reform. A report commissioned by Scientia Advisors (Cambridge, Massachusetts), shows that healthcare spending in China is expected to reach $600 billion by 2015 – a threefold increase from 2000. It's a change that the company is saying will drastically alter the healthcare landscape for the country. (Medical Device Daily)
Entry into the med-tech industry was neither simple nor easy for former Navy Seal and current CEO of Biomagnetics Diagnostics (San Francisco) Clayton Hardman. (Medical Device Daily)