Despite a long courtship, a summertime biotech romance appears to have fizzled.Epimmune Inc. canceled its merger agreement with Anosys Inc., a deal first reported three months ago, and hired a financial adviser to consult on alternate strategies going forward. (BioWorld Today)
Despite a long courtship, a summertime biotech romance appears to have fizzled.Epimmune Inc. canceled its merger agreement with Anosys Inc., a deal first reported three months ago, and hired a financial adviser to consult on alternate strategies going forward. (BioWorld Today)
Emisphere Technologies Inc. lost a partner for one oral hormone replacement therapy but will continue to work in tandem on another oral hormone program. (BioWorld Today)
Emisphere Technologies Inc. lost a partner for one oral hormone replacement therapy but will continue to work in tandem on another oral hormone program. (BioWorld Today)
Less than a year after building its pipeline through an acquisition, Renovis Inc. raised $45 million through a Series E round of financing. (BioWorld Today)
Less than a year after building its pipeline through an acquisition, Renovis Inc. raised $45 million through a Series E round of financing. (BioWorld Today)