SHANGHAI – Zai Labs Ltd., of Shanghai, signed a China rights deal, including Hong Kong and Macau, for a coveted late-stage targeted non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) therapy, HM61713, from Hanmi Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., of Seoul, South Korea.
SHANGHAI – Newly formed Just Biotherapeutics Inc., a vertically integrated biotech start-up with a focus on oncology and anti-infectives, has come to life in two places at once, setting up in both Seattle and Hangzhou. In doing so, it is putting an entirely new spin on the usual way of doing business between East and West.
SHANGHAI – Newly formed Just Biotherapeutics Inc., a vertically integrated biotech start-up with a focus on oncology and anti-infectives, has come to life in two places at once, setting up in both Seattle and Hangzhou. In doing so, it is putting an entirely new spin on the usual way of doing business between East and West.
SHANGHAI – For the second time this year, Eli Lilly and Co. entered a strategic collaboration agreement with a local Chinese company to co-develop a novel candidate for the China market, this time with Shanghai-based Wuxi Pharmatech (Cayman) Inc., the well-respected, multifunctional contract research organization (CRO) and contract manufacturer.
SHANGHAI – For the second time this year, Eli Lilly and Co. entered a strategic collaboration agreement with a local Chinese company to co-develop a novel candidate for the China market, this time with Shanghai-based Wuxi Pharmatech (Cayman) Inc., the well-respected, multifunctional contract research organization (CRO) and contract manufacturer.
SHANGHAI – Acea Biosciences Inc., a company that got its start selling instruments used for drug discovery and along the way developed its own pipeline of novel drug compounds, has just closed its first venture round, receiving $30 million from Lilly Asia Ventures and Qiming Venture Partners. Acea is headquartered in San Diego with an instrument plant and additional operations in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.
SHANGHAI – Chinese innovation has long been a fraught topic: Does China have it? If so, what is it? When will it be globally relevant? And, if you want to really get people going just ask if China can innovate at all. Some are optimistic that China is on the right path to become a true global innovation participant. McKinsey & Co. decided it was time to tackle that hot topic in its own fashion with a survey of industry leaders who have one foot in China and the other abroad.
SHANGHAI – Acea Biosciences Inc., a company that got its start selling instruments used for drug discovery and along the way developed its own pipeline of novel drug compounds, has just closed its first venture round, receiving $30 million from Lilly Asia Ventures and Qiming Venture Partners. Acea is headquartered in San Diego with an instrument plant and additional operations in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.
SHANGHAI – Chinese innovation has long been a fraught topic: Does China have it? If so, what is it? When will it be globally relevant? And, if you want to really get people going just ask if China can innovate at all. Some are optimistic that China is on the right path to become a true global innovation participant. McKinsey & Co. decided it was time to tackle this hot topic in its own fashion with a survey of industry leaders who have one foot in China and the other abroad.
SHANGHAI – Tianjin Cansino Inc., the company behind China's phase II Ebola vaccine, has received a $30 million investment from well-respected health care venture firms Qiming Venture Partners and Lilly Asia Ventures.