LONDON – Treating Alzheimer's disease (AD) by inhibiting a key enzyme that helps to generate amyloid-beta peptide sounded like a good strategy – but evidence is continuing to build, showing that the enzyme also has important other functions in the body.
LONDON – Scientists have teased out a molecular mechanism that allows synapses to respond as quickly or as slowly as required for all neurological functions ranging from simple movements to cognitive function.
LONDON – The identification of the exact molecule on the insides of blood vessels to which malaria parasites stick will allow an immediate start on work to develop vaccines and new therapies for severe forms of malaria, the scientists who made the discovery predict.
LONDON – The identification of the exact molecule on the insides of blood vessels to which malaria parasites stick will allow an immediate start on work to develop vaccines and new therapies for severe forms of malaria, the scientists who made the discovery predicted.
LONDON – A new study has given hope that it may one day be possible to develop a specific treatment for neuroblastoma, which is a rare type of childhood cancer.
LONDON – A new study has given hope that it may one day be possible to develop a specific treatment for neuroblastoma, which is a rare type of childhood cancer.
LONDON – A molecule that is released by breast cancer cells and yet stops the cells from growing appears to have its effect by stimulating an inflammatory immune response.
LONDON – Peptides that can boost the immune response to bacteria could lead to a novel therapy for sepsis – and may also make it possible to develop a new generation of vaccines.
LONDON – There may be a completely new way to block the estrogen receptor on breast cancer cells, which normally thrive on estrogen. Researchers working in the Netherlands have shown that blocking the receptor at that point reduces the growth rate of breast tumor cells.
LONDON – The future development of a new class of antidepressants has edged closer, with the discovery of a molecular pathway that is fundamental to the development of depression.