PARIS – Diagnostic Medical Systems SA (DMS) is spinning off its medical imaging division into Asit Biotech NV. This agreement, between two firms listed on the Euronext exchange, involves French med-tech company DMS merging its flourishing medical imaging business with the Belgian biopharmaceutical firm and acquiring a controlling stake in the company.
PARIS – Pcube-Lab BV has closed a $4.75 million funding round to deploy its eye tracking technology, Neuroclues, in Europe and the U.S. This technique helps with early diagnosis of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.
PARIS – Incepto Medical SAS, in partnership with Marie-Lannelongue Hospital, is developing an automated system to measure maximum aorta diameter. Called ARVA (Augmented Radiology for Vascular Aneurysm), it’s hosted in the cloud and is CE marked as a class I device. “Our tool uses the first algorithm to provide automatic measurement of external aortic diameter along the entire aorta, from ascending aorta to the iliac arteries,” Antoine Jomier, co-founder and CEO of Incepto, told BioWorld. This new tool for radiologists and surgeons will be used to diagnosis and monitor aneurysms.
PARIS – Bone 3D SAS has signed a partnership with Stratasys Ltd. to put 3D printing technology directly into the hands of all 3,000 French hospitals and their front-line medical professionals. This new service, called Hospifactory, makes it possible to leverage additive manufacturing to produce medical equipment and devices directly on site at the hospital.
PARIS – Royal Philips NV has signed a deal to acquire Cardiologs Technologies SAS and its artificial intelligence technology. The financial terms surrounding the transaction have not been disclosed. The two companies expect to close the deal in the coming months.
PARIS – The French National Agency for the Safety of Medicinal and Healthcare Products (ANSM), has published its latest annual report on the drugs and medical devices market in France. This body, placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, is responsible for monitoring all healthcare products throughout their cycle, for collating and analyzing reports of adverse reactions, and for implementing corrective action across the nation.
PARIS – Defymed SAS reported the formation of the Decapes consortium, which brings together the Institute of Chemistry and Processes for Energy, Environment and Health (ICPEES) and the specialist microtechnology and biomaterials service provider for med-tech companies, Statice. This French consortium is working on a minimally invasive version of Defymed's Mailpan device, which will extend the application range for this artificial pancreas to include other chronic pathologies besides type 1 diabetes.
PARIS – Mauna Kea Technologies SA reported the commercial launch of a new generation of its in vivo cellular imaging for diagnostics in gastroenterology. At the same time, the company is deploying its new needle-based and miniprobe-based multidisciplinary confocal laser endomicroscopy platform in the U.S., as well as in France, Germany and Italy.
PARIS – Quantum Surgical SAS has closed $48 million in funding to finance the commercial launch of its integrated robotics platform for percutaneous treatment in liver cancer. The round was led by Hong Kong-based Ally Bridge Group who invested $24 million, or half the total amount raised. Three banks also participated in this funding round: The European Investment Bank, Bpifrance and Caisse d’Epargne Languedoc Roussillon.
PARIS – The French National Authority for Health (HAS) is expanding the available range of novel autologous technologies reimbursed in the context of breast reconstruction following ablative surgery. In doing so, the HAS is paving the way towards reimbursement for novel autologous techniques in general.