A little over two months after the granting of its very first patent which described computer-based systems for diagnosing psoriasis, Belletorus Corp. welcomed the publication of two continuation-in-part child filings on similar such systems for the diagnosis of eczema and determining the severity of skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and skin cancer.
The U.S. FDA has updated its data on the number of fatalities across globe associated with breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), which has now reach 59 fatalities. That number is up from 33 reported in July 2019 but is also a number the agency continues to assert may be a significant undercount.
Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd.’s subsidiary Beijing Meiyan Kongjian Biology Medicine Co. Ltd. has acquired an 80% equity stake in Shenzhen Yimei Medical Technology Co. The deal is to be completed via a mix of capital and equity transfers. Sihuan Pharmaceutical is interested in Shenzhen Yimei’s two-in-one patented technology of collimated ultrasound and superficial focused ultrasound.