The U.S. FDA declined to approve Gilead Sciences Inc.’s Hepcludex (bulevirtide), issuing a complete response letter (CRL) citing manufacturing and delivery concerns for the antiviral aimed at treating confirmed chronic hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection in adults with compensated liver disease. Acquired in Gilead’s 2021 buyout of Myr GmbH, Hepcludex received conditional approval from the European Commission in 2020 and would have been the first drug cleared for HDV in the U.S. Its delay, however, could give a boost to Eiger Biopharmaceuticals Inc., which is expected to report phase III data for lonafarnib by the end of 2022.
Skeptical briefing documents pertaining to the U.S. FDA’s adcom meeting on Y-mabs Therapeutics Inc.’s Omblastys (131I-omburtamab) turned out predictive of the less-than-happy outcome, as the regulator’s Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC) turned thumbs down on the prospective drug for pediatric central nervous system/leptomeningeal metastasis from neuroblastoma.
A U.S. FDA advisory panel saw a number of problems in the clinical trial for the Avertd test for opioid use disorder (OUD), including the fact that the study failed to enroll a sufficiently ethnically diverse body of subjects. Perhaps more damning was that the advisory panel was uncertain as to whether the 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) evaluated in the test were helpful in sorting out which patients were truly at high risk of OUD, leading to an 11-2 vote that the probable benefits of the test do not outweigh the risks.
Innovative medical devices are the norm for reviewers at the U.S. FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), but regulatory innovation is a tougher climb. In response, CDRH director Jeff Shuren said at this year’s Medtech Conference in Boston that the agency is eyeing a voluntary alternative pathway (VAP) for novel digital technologies, although this concept is unlikely to see the regulatory light of day other than as a pilot program at any point in the next year or two, given the need for statutory authorization.
The new EU Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) is not going down well with Swiss medical technology manufacturers. At a conference held on Oct. 19 in Bern, Switzerland on introducing the new EU MDR, the Swiss medical technology association, Swiss Medtech, which represents more than 700 firms, put out a harsh and definitive statement.
The U.S. FDA’s interest in regulating lab-developed tests (LDTs) occasionally prompts the agency to engage in a little saber-rattling about rulemaking if Congress should fail to pass legislation granting the FDA explicit authority to regulate these tests.
Sinaptica Therapeutics Inc. received a U.S. FDA breakthrough device designation for its electromagnetic therapy for Alzheimer’s disease. Sinaptistim-AD combines neurostimulation, brain wave monitoring and artificial intelligence (AI) to address the cognitive and functional decline in patients with the neurological disorder.
Curvebeam AI Ltd. won a U.S. FDA breakthrough device designation for Ossview, its investigational software that detects osteopenia or reduced bone mass in the already fragile bones of women 70 years of age and older. Osteopenia is difficult to diagnose using conventional bone mineral density (BMD) testing because small changes in density mask major changes in bone microstructure.
The U.S. FDA’s regulation of commercial speech under the First Amendment has been controversial and has handed the agency several losses in court, but Arun Rao of the U.S. Department of Justice let it be known that DOJ is still keen on commercial speech enforcement. Rao said the case of Gonzalez v. Google, which will be heard by the Supreme Court, is an example of potentially precedent-setting litigation, and that manufacturers of drugs and devices may experience an uptick in enforcement depending on where the Supreme Court lands in Gonzalez.
Limacorporate SpA reported U.S. FDA approval for Prima, its new shoulder platform focused on versatility and operating roam efficiency. “For the first time in our history, both the glenoid base plate and humeral stem are fully 3D-printed, leveraging our long legacy in additive manufacturing,” Massimo Calafiore, CEO of Limacorporate, told BioWorld.