Aldeyra Therapeutics Inc. is eyeing the start of clinical trials with reactive aldehyde species (RASP) modulators ADX-246 for systemic immune-mediated diseases and ADX-248 for geographic atrophy.
Innocare Pharma Ltd. said it is open to new collaborations after partner Biogen Inc. decided to terminate a global deal to develop and commercialize BTK inhibitor orelabrutinib, in development for multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. Notice of the termination, disclosed in Biogen’s fourth-quarter 2022 financial report, was “based on the contract term of ‘terminate for convenience,’” Innocare told BioWorld. “We do not know their internal decision-making process.”
Results published Feb. 17, 2023, in Immunity have given a wider view of what happens in the earliest stages of HIV infection. Treatments against HIV prevent the replication of the virus, but do not kill the reservoir of latently infected cells that starts to build almost immediately upon infection.
Aqilion AB has sold rights to its TAK1 inhibitors to Merck KGaA in an exclusive license and research collaboration agreement worth at least €960 million (US$1.03 billion) including potential milestones and royalties. The global giant will pay the Swedish biotech – which is headquartered in Helsingborg – €10 million in cash up front for the program and potential development and commercialization milestones and tiered royalties on worldwide net sales of more than €950 million.
South Korea’s GI Innovation Inc. announced its IPO on the Kosdaq market with plans to raise up to $34 million in March 2023. Funds raised from the IPO will go toward phase I/II clinical trials of immunotherapy agent GI-101 in the U.S. and Korea, and a phase I trial of allergy treatment GI-301 (also known as YH-35324) in Korea.
Updated MRI results from Clene Inc.’s phase II Visionary-MS trial testing gold nanocrystal therapy CNM-Au8 bolsters the company’s premise that targeting energy metabolism could protect neuronal function in patients with multiple sclerosis and lays the groundwork for a phase III trial as soon as a strategic partner is found.
South Korea’s GI Innovation Inc. announced its IPO on the Kosdaq market with plans to raise up to $34 million in March 2023. Funds raised from the IPO will go toward phase I/II clinical trials of immunotherapy agent GI-101 in the U.S. and Korea, and a phase I trial of allergy treatment GI-301 (also known as YH-35324) in Korea.
TVM Capital Life Science has invested $25 million in Lamab Biologics Inc., which is taking forward a new twist on an old story in tackling allergic conditions. The asset-centric virtual company is developing a novel monoclonal antibody directed at immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, which are responsible for mediating allergic responses.
Two papers in the Feb. 8, 2023, issue of Cell Host & Microbe have reported new insights into the relationship between myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and alterations in the gut microbiome, and how those relationships change over time. A reliable way to diagnose ME/CFS would be a huge step forward for the study of ME/CFS. Currently, the condition is diagnosed purely by symptoms, which are assessed via questionnaire.
Research led by Indiana University School of Medicine and the University of Notre Dame shows a new treatment for peanut allergy is effective in a mouse model. The therapy, a covalent heterobivalent inhibitor (cHBI), differs from most allergy treatments in that it is more of a preventative therapy rather than a drug to treat immediate acute symptoms.