Regulatory snapshots, including global submissions and approvals, clinical trial approvals and other regulatory decisions and designations: Bio-Rad, Quotient, Scibase.
KARACHI, Pakistan – With limited resources, a growing outbreak and a tech savvy population, Pakistan is reaching into a diverse bag of tricks to find ways to battle COVID-19. Part of these efforts include at least one artificial intelligence (AI)-based diagnostic product as well as molecular diagnostic assays.
TORONTO – Within a week of completing clinical trials the chest radiography AI tool developed by Vancouver, B.C.-based 1Qbit Inc. has been given the all-clear from Health Canada for deployment across the country. The XrAI was originally developed to better identify patients with respiratory illness including SARS, pneumonia and tuberculosis (TB), but then in February was tested on a publicly available data set of COVID-19 X-ray images.
Regulatory snapshots, including global submissions and approvals, clinical trial approvals and other regulatory decisions and designations: Binx Health, Cerus Endovascular, Nines, Refine USA, Rheonix, Synaptive Medical.
Artificial intelligence-focused Chronolife SAS, of Paris, has secured class IIa medical certification from the EU for its smart T-shirt, which has the new brand name Keesense. The reusable, washable T-shirt is designed for comfortable, round-the-clock use. It works by transmitting data to a paired smartphone app via Bluetooth.
DUBLIN – Kurma Partners closed its third biotech fund, Kurma Biofund III, at €160 million (US$174 million), €10 million ahead of its initial target. The Paris-based fund will allocate the bulk of the capital to therapeutics firms, but it is also open to opportunistic investments in med tech, particularly in digital health applications and in biotech-med tech convergence, partner Peter Neubeck told BioWorld.
Regulatory snapshots, including global submissions and approvals, clinical trial approvals and other regulatory decisions and designations: Diatherix, Medtronic, Photopharmics, Psychemedics, Senseonics, Vuno.
PARIS – Braintale SAS, of Paris, has gained CE mark approval for Brainquant. This software platform, which uses DICOM radiology imaging, enables diffusion MRI scans to be processed as part of managing patients in a coma following brain injury.
Vayyar Imaging Ltd., which focuses on 4D radar imaging, reported that the Israeli government is using its sensor technology to fight the spread of COVID-19. “Vayyar uses 3D imaging to map what is happening in any environment but incorporates a fourth dimension – detecting and analyzing changes over time – to provide the most comprehensive monitoring solution,” Ofer Familier, general manager of Vayyar, told BioWorld.