The draft Medicare physician fee schedule for calendar year 2025 provoked a strong backlash from physician societies due to a net cut in physician pay. Device makers have their own concerns, including the latest in a series of controversies over coverage of skin substitutes.
The U.S. CMS believes it has a quandary on its hands with regard to transitional pass-through payment for renal denervation devices, but the Medical Device Manufacturers Association urged the agency to provide separate payment mechanisms for these devices as seen in the inpatient final rule.
The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services posted a Sept. 6 statement regarding a cyber incident involving nearly 950,000 patient records held by a Medicare administrative contractor.
The U.S. CMS said its Medicare administrative contractors withdrew a draft local coverage determination that would have restricted the use of surveillance testing for allograft rejection.
The ever-contentious issue of drug pricing creates a tug-of-war between biopharma’s innovation machine and the general population’s need for accessible and affordable drugs. BioWorld has covered the issue of drug pricing from insulin caps and the early days of the IRA to failed legal challenges and the recent rollout of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ negotiated prices. Read our collection of 2024 stories.
While the Biden administration continues applauding the savings it claims will be delivered by the first round of Medicare negotiations, many U.S. patients and their families are worried about the cost of the biopharma price-setting program – a cost they measure not in dollars and cents, but in worsening illness and lives that may be lost to a downturn in innovation and an upturn in barriers to access.
“For us geeks, this is the trailer. This isn’t the movie,” John Stanford told BioWorld as he reacted to the prices the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced Aug. 15 for the 10 drugs selected for the first round of negotiations under the Inflation Reduction Act. While the prices are generally in line with what was expected, Stanford said they raise more questions than answers. The rationale for those prices, which must be released by March 1, will be part 1 of the movie as it should provide some insight into the price setting, said Stanford, the executive director of Incubate, a coalition of investors in the early stage life sciences sector.
Device makers and physicians alike were less than enthused about several features of the draft Medicare inpatient rule for fiscal year 2025, but thanks in part to support from the device industry, the final rule provides a new code that encompasses both left atrial appendage closure and ablation, a change that may reduce spending without dinging sales of these devices.
The U.S. CMS announced the release of the Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies policy, which is less than clear on the definition of a key term.
The U.S. Medicare program’s final rule for fiscal year 2025 inpatient care retains several controversial proposals, but some device makers fared well in their new technology add-on payment (NTAP) applications, including Dublin-based Medtronic plc, which won NTAP payments for two devices.