A fusion protein removed beta-amyloid plaque without producing the neurotoxic inflammation associated with other treatments, such as aducanumab immunotherapy. It is based on the alphaA Beta-Gas6 fusion protein developed in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease by a team of researchers at The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea.
The development of cancer after p53 inactivation is determined by a series of genomic changes that occur in four steps. The loss of heterozygosity of TP53 (the gene encoding p53 in humans, named Trp53 in mice) is followed by an accumulation of deletions, genome doubling, and the emergence of gains and amplifications. In a study published in the August 17, 2022, issue of Nature, researchers have further observed that these four phases of genomic evolution are associated with specific histological stages before and after the malignant condition developed.
A new method has been devised to produce generic chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells at scale by directing induced pluripotent stem cells to differentiate into mature T cells in vitro. The generic T cells can then be engineered to express a range of different chimeric antigen receptors.
Researchers around the world are making advances in understanding how HIV becomes latent and seeking out vulnerabilities that could provide routes to targeting reservoirs and eliminating them.
A new system for restoring cell function and tissues in mammals after death could expand the availability of organs for transplantation. The research also opens up a previously unexplored field of research in the molecular and cellular mechanisms triggered after death, an area of potential significance, since it covers different biological processes with multiple applications.
Sequence analysis of 131 human brains has revealed the mutagenesis processes that take place throughout life, from development to senescence. In a new study published in the July 29, 2022, issue of Science, the authors described how high rates of brain somatic mutations (what they call hypermutability) correlated with age.
According to a new study published in the July 27, 2022, issue of ScienceTranslationalMedicine, a lower intake of fermentable carbohydrates produces changes in the intestinal microbiota that decrease histamine production reducing chronic abdominal pain in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
Since the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 and the study of its infection mechanisms, scientists have been trying to understand how this virus accesses the brain and produces neurological symptoms. The receptor necessary for the virus to enter the cell by endocytosis (the receptor for angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, ACE2) is only expressed by some neurons and is hardly detected in the brain.
Cancer cells may evade the immune response thanks to a special type of collagen, scientists reported in a new study published in the July 21, 2022, issue of CancerCell. Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have discovered oncogenic collagen secreted by cancer cells that differs from normal collagen.