Many hair follicles that stop producing hairs contain quiescent stem cells, suggesting that waking up those cells could reverse hair loss. Researchers at Columbia University have discovered that the hair follicle stem cells are actively restrained by tissue macrophages.
By investigating the "surfaceome," the group of proteins that move to the cell surface in response to KRAS signaling, researchers have identified a protein, Syndecan-1, that is critical for KRAS-driven cancer cells to obtain nutrients from the environment.
Researchers from the University Paris Descartes have discovered that erythrocyte precursors in bone marrow depended on serotonin signaling for their maturation into mature red blood cells.
An inhibitory protein that has been used for proof of principle of Myc inhibition through transgenic delivery was also able to inhibit Myc after intravenous delivery in animal models.
The innate immune protein NLRP6, which plays a protective role in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), appears to aggravate intestinal graft-vs.-host disease (GVHD).
Long before any currently available detection method can find a tumor, the future patient's immune cells have found that tumor and are working on eliminating it. Now, researchers from Stanford University have developed a method to use such immune cells as sentinels, enabling earlier detection of tumors.